David Batchelor

Dundee, Escócia, 1955. Vive e trabalha em Londres, Inglaterra.


MA Cultural Studies Cdentre of Contemporary Cultural Studies University of Birmingham, Birmingham, Inglaterra

BA (Hons) Fine Art Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham, Inglaterra

Foundation Course Watford College of Art, Hertfordshire, Inglaterra

Exposições Individuais

Woven Things, Cecilia Brunson Projects, Londres, Inglaterrra
Transparent Things, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brasil

I-Cons and Ex-Cons, Kestle Barton, Inglaterra

Colour is, Compton Verney, Inglaterra
David Batchelor | Alfredo Volpi, Cecilia Brunson Projects, Inglaterra
Disco Mecanique, Salisbury Cathedral, Inglaterra

New Work, Waddington Custot, Londres, Inglaterra

My Own Private Bauhaus, Ingleby Gallery, Edimburgo, Escócia

Psychogeometry 2 (curadoria de David Thomas), Site Eight Gallery, RMIT University, Melbourne, Austrália

Psychogeometry, Matt’s Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Chromatology, Ab-Anbar Gallery, Teerã, Irão

Reef, Handel Street Projects, Londres, Inglaterra
Glowsticks, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brasil

Monochrome Archive 1997-2015, Whitechapel Gallery, Londres, Reino Unido
Flatlands Remix, Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar, Doha, Catar

Chromolocomotion, Comissionado por Terrace Wires, St Pancras Station, Londres, Inglaterra
David Batchelor:Concretos, New Art Centre, Wiltshire, Inglaterra

Parede por Parede (curadoria de João Bandeira), Centro Universitário Maria Antonia, São Paulo, Brasil
Flatlands, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edimburgo, Escócia; Spike Island, Bristol, Inglaterra

Magic Pavement, Pavement Gallery, Manchester Metropolitian University, Inglaterra
Slugfest, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brasil
Brighton Palermo ReMix, Brighton Festival 2012, Brighton, Inglaterra
Magic Hour, GEM, Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag, Holanda

2D3D, Karsten Schubert gallery, Londres, Inglaterra

Chromophilia, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

The Backlights, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brasil

Unplugged, Talbot Rice Gallery, University of Edinburgh, Edimburgo, Escócia
Unplugged (Remix) Wilkinson Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
David Batchelor & Nikolai Suetin, Ingleby Gallery, Edimburgo, Escócia

Festival Remix (Christmas Lights Commission), South Bank Centre, Londres, Inglaterra
Candela V & VI, Ingleby Gallery (off-site) Old Royal High School, Edimburgo, Escócia
Candela 7/450 (For the Death Star), Victorian Palmhouse, Royal Botanic Garden, Edimburgo, Escócia
Wilkinson Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra

Ten Silhouettes, Gloucester Road Underground Station, Londres, Inglaterra

Shiny Dirty, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, Inglaterra

Spectrum of Hackney Road, Wilkinson Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra

Barrier, 38 Langham Street, Londres, Inglaterra

Shiny Dirty, Habitat, Londres, Inglaterra

Electric Colour Tower, Sadlers Wells Theatre, Londres, Inglaterra
Apocalypstick, Anthony Wilkinson Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra

Monochromobiles, The Economist Plaza, Londres, Inglaterra

Shelf-Like, Frame-Like, Note-Like, Byam Shaw School of Art, Londres, Inglaterra
Polymonochromes, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, Inglaterra

Polymonochrome Drawings, Soho House, Londres, Inglaterra

Serial Color, Curtain Road Arts, Londres, Inglaterra

Exposições Coletivas

Positions, part three (Curadoria de John Slyce), Alma Pearl, Londres, Inglaterra
Summer Exhibition (Curadoria de Cornelia Parker), Royal Academy, Londres, Inglaterra

Light: Works from the Tate Collection, The National Art Centre, Japão
Colours in the Air (com Richard Deacon), Handel Street Projects, Inglaterra
Modern and Contemporary, Waddington Custot, Inglaterra

Hello MONO-HA!, White Conduit Projects, Inglaterra
Chromophilia (curadoria de Tanya Barson), Hauser and Wirth, Suíça
Art is the Antidote, Museum Voorlinden, Holanda

Colour Space, Galleria Mucciaccia, Roma, Itália.
House Share, Firstsite, Colchester, Inglaterra.

PRISM (curadoria de Chris Clarke e Fiona Kearney), Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork, Irlanda
The Everyday and the Extraordinary, Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne, Reino Unido
The Monochrome: New Beginnings, JPNF Museum, Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos
Criminal Ornamentation (curadoria de Yinka Shonibare), Attenborough Arts Centre, Leicester, Reino Unido
Great Artists | Great Teachers, The Levinsky Gallery, Plymouth, Reino Unido
Una Cierta Oscuridad (curadoria de Alexandra Laudo), CaixaForum Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanha
The Everyday and Extraordinary, Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, Birmingham, Reino Unido
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy, Londres, Reino Unido
Sette Opere per la Misericordia (curadoria de Mario Codognato), Capella del Pio Monte della Misericordia, Nápoles, Itália
Monochrome: Empty & Full (curadoria de David Sequeira), Victorian College of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Austrália

Ingleby Gallery Presents, Fitzrovia Chapel, Londres, Inglaterra
Totem: Spirit Beings & Sacred Objects, Saatchi Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Art of the Postcard, Handel Street Projects, Londres, Inglaterra
Roesler Hotel: Purity is a Myth, (curadoria de Michael Asbury), Nara Roesler, São Paulo, Brasil
Between Poles and Tides, Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgo, Escócia
Seven Works for Mercy, Italian Cultural Institute, Londres, Inglaterra
colour is, Waddington Custot, Londres, Inglaterra
A Certain Kind of Light, Towner Gallery, Eastbourne, Inglaterra

5 Years at Heddon Street, Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Three Triptychs (curadoria de Mario Codognato), Galleria d’arte contemporanea a Napoli, Nápoles, Itália
Night in the Museum, The Gas Hall, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, Inglaterra
NEON: The Charged Line, Grundy Art Gallery, Blackpool, Inglaterra
Seeing Round Corners, Turner Contemporary, Margate, Inglaterra
Light Show, CorpArtes, Santiago, Chile
FOUND, The Foundling Museum, Londres, Inglaterra

Drawing Biennial 2015, Drawing Room, Londres, Inglaterra
In Light of the Monochrome, Dye House Gallery, Bradford, Inglaterra
Trial/Error/Art, The Holden Gallery, University of Manchester, Manchester, Inglaterra
Sprayed, Gagosian Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Light Show International Tour, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, Nova Zelândia; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Austrália; Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, UAE; Benaki Museum’s, Pireos St Annexe, Atenas, Grécia
Adventures of the Black Square: Abstract Art and Society 1915-2015, Whitechapel Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra

Colour on Paper, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brasil
50 Years On: The Centre of Contemporary Cultural Studies, MAC, Birmingham, Inglaterra
Black and White (curado por Cornelia Parker), Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Londres, Inglaterra
Somewhat Abstract, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, Inglaterra
Uniquo, Galeria Carbono, São Paulo, Brasil
Shelf Show, Galerie Tom Christoffersen, Copenhague, Dinamarca
Abstract Drawing (curado por Richard Deacon), The Drawing Room, Londres, Inglaterra

Why Painting Now?, Viena, Áustria
White, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Roterdã, Países Baixos
Touching Colour, Hatton Gallery, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Inglaterra
Fragile?, Le Stanze del Vetro, Veneza, Itália
Tell me whom you haunt: Marcel Duchamp and the contemporary readymade, Londres, Inglaterra
Light Show, Hayward Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra

Illuminated – QUAD Gallery, Derby, Inglaterra
Luz na Cidade, Centro Cultural Justiça Federal, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy, Londres, Inglaterra
The Curator’s Egg Altera Pars, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Phantom Limb, LiMAC, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Lima, Lima, Perú

Gravity’s Rainbow, Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgo, Escócia
Lumiere, vários locais, Durham, Inglaterra
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain, Whitechapel Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
A Painting Show, Autocentre, Berlim, Alemanha
The Shape of Things to Come: New Sculpture Part 1, The Saatchi Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra

Kupferstichkabinett: Between Thought and Action, White Cube, Londres, Inglaterra
Fast Forward – Arte Contemporânea Britânica no Brasil, Espaço David Ford, Centro Britânico Brasileiro, São Paulo, Brasil
Biennale für Internationale Lichtkunst, Unna, Alemanha
FIAT LUX, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Gas Natural de La Coruña, Espanha
Open Light in Private Spaces: Biennale fur Internationale Lichtkunst, multiple venues, Unna, Alemanha
The Gathering, Longside Gallery, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Yorkshire, Inglaterra
Party, New Art Gallery, Walsall, Inglaterra

Presque Rein III, Laure Genillard Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Boule to Braid, Lisson Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Repeat Please, Stedelijk Museum’s, Hertogenbosch, Holanda
The Sculpture Show, V22, Londres, Inglaterra
London Calling, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Coreia do Sul
Kaleidoscopic Revolver, Hanjiyun Contemporary Space, Pequim, China
Better than Grey, Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Colour Chart: Reinventing Colour, 1950 to Today,Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, Inglaterra
A Twilight Art, Harris Lieberman Gallery, Nova Iorque, EUA

Sculpture from the Scrapyard, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, Inglaterra
Conversations, Kettle’s Yard Museum Art Gallery, Cambridge, Inglaterra
The Color Chart, MoMA, Nova Iorque, EUA
1st Folkestone Triennale – Tales of time and space, Folkestone, Inglaterra

Echo Room, Alcala (organizado em parceria com o British Council), Madri, Espanha
Passion Complex – Selected Works from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japão
Shifting Ground, Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham, Inglaterra
Art Car Boot Fair 2007, Londres, Inglaterra
Front Room / Killing Room, David Risley Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Rummage: Sculptors’ Drawings, The Winchester Gallery, Winchester, Inglaterra
Light, Winchester Cathedral, Winchester, Inglaterra
Abstraction: Extracting from the World, Millenium Galleries, Sheffield, Inglaterra

Thread, Ingleby Gallery, Edimburgo, Escócia
A noir, e blanc, I rouge, u vert, o bleu – Farben, Kunstmuseum Magdeburg – Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen, Magdeburg, Alemanha
Multiplication, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Materical World – Sculpture from the Arts Council Collection, Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, Escócia
Backdrop, Bloomberg Space, Londres, Inglaterra

Radiance, Off-site projects in the Merchants’ Quarter, Glasgow, Escócia
Double Meaning, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, BraSil
David Batchelor e Joao Paulo Feliciano, curadoria de Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brasil
The Art of White, The Lowry, Salford, Inglaterra
Extreme Abstraction, Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, EUA
Tall Stories, MOT, Londres, Inglaterra
Contrabandistas de Imagenes, Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago, Chile
Colour my World, Riflemaker, Londres, Inglaterra
Untitled, Marc Selwyn Gallery, Los Angeles, EUA
Radiance, Off-site projects in the Merchants’ Quarter, Glasgow
Double Meaning, Galeria Leme, Sao Paulo, Brazil

26ª Bienal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
Sodium and Asphalt, Museo Rufino Tamayo, Cidade do México, México
Some Versions of Light, The Telephone Repeater Station, Richmond, North Yorkshire, Inglaterra
Chromosexuals, Galleri Bouhlou, Bergen, Noruega
One Night Stand, PEARL at El Montan Motor Hotel, México

In Good Form: Recent Sculpture from the Arts Council Collection, Longside Gallery, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Yorkshire, Inglaterra
Primary Colours, City Gallery, Leicester, Inglaterra
Embargo, Aubery Square, Londres, Inglaterra
Tate Triennial 2003 – Days Like These, Tate Triennial, Londres, Inglaterra

Days Like These – Tate Triennial of Contemporary British Art, Tate Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Furori Uso, Ferrotel, Pescara, Itália
Colour Love, Johnson County Community College, Kansas, EUA
New Religious Art, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, Inglaterra
Henry Peacock Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra

Ruby, PEARL, Londres, Inglaterra
The Magic Hour: Art and Las Vegas, Neue Galerie, Graz, Áustria
Another Britannia, Tecla Sala, Barcelona touring to Foundacion Marcelino Botin, Santander, Espanha
Amidst Concrete, Clay and General Decay, Konstfack Gallery, Estocolmo, Suécia

Perfidy, Monastere de la Tourette, France and Kettles Yard, Cambridge, Inglaterra
British Art Show 5, Edinburgh, Southampton, Cardiff e Birmingham, Inglaterra
Fact and Value, Charlotttenberg Palace, Copenhague, Dinamarca
Give and Take, Jerwood Space, Londres, Inglaterra

NINENINENINETYNINE, Wilkinson Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Postmark – An Abstract Effect, Site Santa Fe, Santa Fé, EUA
Limit Less, curadoria de Matthew Higgs, Galerie Krinzinger, Viena, Áustria
East Wing, Courtauld Institute, Londres, Inglaterra

Then and Now, Lisson Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
One Wheel on my Monochromobile, Limited Edition for Camden Arts Centre, Londres, Inglaterra

East International, The Sainsbury Centre / Norwich School of Art, Norwich, Inglaterra

Station Transformation, Central Bus Station, Tel Aviv, Israel
Abstractions, Byam Shaw, Concourse Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra

Victoria Miro Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra

Approaches to Realism, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool; Goldsmiths Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
Rotation, Esther Schipper Gallery, Colônia, Alemanha

Obras Comissionadas

King’s Xmas, Instalação temporária site specific, Granary Square, Inglaterra

Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain, Escultura site specific, Eddington, Inglaterra
Homage to Doctor Mirabilis, Escultura site specific, Westgate Centre, Inglaterra

Sixty Minute Spectrum, Hayward Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
P-A-R-A-D-E, Summer in the Square, John Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton, Southampton, Inglaterra

Lyric Hammersmith, Londres, Inglaterra

Chromolocomotion, comissionado por Terrace Wires, ST. Pancras International Station, Londres, Inglaterra

Big Rock Candy Fountain, instalação para local específico, Archway Tower, Londres, Inglaterra
Spectrum on the Hill, instalação para local específico, Haman the Hill, Seul, Coréia do Sul

Spectrum of 1st Street, instalação para local específico, 1011 1st Street, Washington D.C., EUA
Walldella, Dundee, instalação para local específico, McManus Galleries, Dundee, Escócia

Hong Kong Fesdalla, instalação para local específico, The British Council, Hong Kong, China

Against Nature, instalação para local específico, University of Warwick, Coventry, Inglaterra

Treasury Magic Hour, instalação para local específico, The Treasury, Londres, Inglaterra
West Wing Spectrum, instalação para local específico, St Bart’s Hospital, Londres, Inglaterra

Evergreen, instalação para local específico, More London, Tower Bridge, Londres, Inglaterra

Electric Colour Picture, edicão def 75 trabalhos tridimensionais, The Multiple Store, Londres, Inglaterra

Chromodesks, instalação para local específico, Pier Trust, Londres, Inglaterra
Quick Change Room, instalação para local específico, Sadler’s Wells Theatre, Londres, Inglaterra

Coleções públicas selecionadas

Aberdeen Art Gallery, Escócia
British Council, Inglaterra
Government Art Collection, Inglaterra
Leeds City Art Gallery, Inglaterra
The Saatchi Gallery, Inglaterra
TATE, Inglaterra

Winter Light: David Batchelor, Sixty Minute Spectrum

Southbank Centre

Discover : David Batchelor on the fear of color

Gemeentemuseum Den Haag & GEM: David Batchelor Inspired by Mondriaan


  • Parede Por Parede | João Bandeira

    O que mobiliza a produção de David Batchelor são sobretudo as cores. Particularmente aquelas apropriadas das coisas de todo tipo e tamanho, de pentes a baldes a carros a placas e outras superfícies chamativas, espalhadas nas grandes cidades. Sem abandoná-las, o seu desejo de ‘dar à cor espaço para respirar’ também se movimenta historicamente por […]

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  • DOUBLE MEANING – David Batchelor e João Paulo Feliciano

    Curador: Jacopo Crivelli Visconti Ambos presentes na última edição da Bienal de São Paulo, David Batchelor e João Paulo Feliciano são dois artistas cujo trabalho pode ser considerado, de alguma maneira, complementar. David Batchelor (1955) é um dos artistas britânicos mais consistentes da sua geração: escocês de nascimento, mas radicado em Londres, já expôs em […]

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