Felipe Rezende

Salvador, 1994. Lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil.


Bachelor’s in Visual Arts, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil

Solo exhibitions

Lonjuras, 33º Programa de Exposições do Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

O último buritizeiro (curated by Tiago Sant’Ana), Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brazil

Sonho, queda livre, RV Cultura e Arte, Salvador, Brazil
Long is the Road, Jack Bell Gallery, London, United Kingdom

Ladeira da Fonte, Mouraria 53, Salvador, Brazil

Group exhibitions

Prefiro Não, Espaço Quase, São Paulo, Brazil
Salón ACME No. 11, Proyectos Públicos, Mexico City, Mexico

Memórias para Dona Antônia, Acervo da Laje, Salvador, Brazil
Essas pessoas na sala de jantar (curated by Raphael Fonseca), Casa Museu Eva Klabin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
48º SARP, Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
Los gestos del trabajo (curated by Benedetta Casini and Clarisa Appendino), BienalSur, Espacio Ente de Cultura, Sala Lola Mora, Argentina
Figura Insólita (curated by Uriel Bezerra), RV Cultura e Arte, Bahia, Brazil
Intelecto Agente (curated by Pedro Vaz), Grêmio Operário de Coimbra, Portugal

64ª Salão de Artes Visuais da Bahia, Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil
Aos pés do Caboclo, Luta, Centro de Cultura Vereador Manuel Querino (curated by Joyce Delfim and Nathan Gomes), Bahia, Brazil
Encruzilhada (curated by Ayrson Heráclito and Daniel Rangel), Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil

Ocupação do Beco, Beco dos Artistas, Bahia, Brazil

7º Prêmio EDP nas Artes, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brazil
Polissemia Política (curated by Michelle Sommer and Danilo Villa), Arte Londrina 8, Paraná, Brazil

CARVÃO, Museu Nacional da Cultura Afro Brasileira, Bahia, Brazil
Processos em Trânsito [O Livro de Artista], Museu de Arte da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil;
RASGO – Residência/Exposição, Galeria Cañizares, Bahia, Brazil
Ficción de lo Cotidiano, Centro Cultural Brasil Mexico, Mexico

Incubadora de Publicações Gráficas, RV Cultura e Arte, Bahia, Brazil
Leituras e Feituras: O Livro de Artista 2018, Cooperativa de Actividades Artísticas, Portugal
MARÉ: Muestra Artistica Releituras Estéticas (Juci Reis e José Vázquez), Centro Cultural Brasil México, Mexico

3º Mostra Gráfica (curated by Evandro Sybine and Raoni Gondim), Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil
Livro.SSA, Centro de Memória do Instituto do Patrimônio Artístico e Cultural da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil
Mostra Linha, Centro Cultural Brasil México, Mexico
S/Título, ICBA Goethe Institut Salvador, Bahia

MESA/FLOTAR, Palacete das Artes, Bahia, Brazil


7º Prêmio EDP nas Artes, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brazil


Proyecto URRA, Argentina

Pivô Pesquisa, Pivô, São Paulo, Brazil
OFÍCIO, Instituto de Arte Contemporânea de Ouro Preto, Brazil


Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil

Felipe Rezende - O último buritizeiro

  • A grain of pigment: colour or dirt?, Centro Cultural São Paulo, 2024.

    By Guilherme Texeira A series of billboards reflecting the horizon; the changing of a Fiat Uno tire, one of its tail lights replaced by a red thermos bottle and its hood covered with rocks; a nod to Utopia; a graph between palm trees shading an elderly woman; a man leaning on a hoe, observing the […]

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  • The last buritizeiro, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, 2023

    By Tiago Sant’Ana The Buriti is a plant from the palm family whose leaves spread out in long raffias and sweet fruits pop in clusters that fall from long stems. Wherever you see a buriti, there is water nearby, as they are a kind of oasis indicator, because it’s in the middle of swampy, marshy […]

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  • Texto pela ocasião da exposição Sonho, queda livre, RV Cultura e Arte, Salvador, 2022.

    By Catarina Duncan The issue of work is directly related to the issue of rest – these gestures, as everyday as they are universal, are present in Felipe Rezende’s production. When we look at his works, we see workers, human and non-human, in a state of suspension, their bodies and structures levitating, melting, breaking up […]

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  • Texto pela ocasião do Ciclo III da residência Pivô Pesquisa, São Paulo, 2022.

    By Tiago Sant’ana Felipe Rezende usually creates from drawings and paintings, using as his material the tarps of trucks, pieces of wheels and other objects thrifted through meanderings in urban spaces. By having worked in the mockup of the city of Salvador, in Bahia, and also as an assistant in civil construction, Rezende crosses over […]

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  • 7º Prêmio EDP nas Artes, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, 2020.

    By Amanda Carneiro Traditionally granted a preliminary role in the production process, the drawing was conceived as a subsidiary to the creation of artworks, many times taken out of sight from the public, and replaced by painting and sculpture. Shifting towards site-specific installations, based on graphic impressions and that do not break away from the […]

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