
This Tuesday (08/24), at 5 pm, the artist Sandra Gamarra participates in the “Conversatorio de apertura” at the Lima Museum of Art – MALI. Broadcasted online via Facebook, the conversation goes through the main concepts of the artist’s solo exhibition, “Production/Reproduction”. In addition to Sandra, Luis Eduardo Wuffarden, Antoine Henry-Jonquères and Natalia Sobrevilla are also participating.

“Produccíón/Reproducción” focuses on an aspect usually neglected: the subordinate but essential role of women in the production and reproduction of labor forces. In the exhibition, the artist gathered reproductions made in a copyists’ workshop in China of the so-called miscegenation paintings, commissioned by Viceroy Manuel de Amat y Junyent and sent to the King of Spain, Carlos III in 1770. On them, Sandra added quotes from different contemporary feminist thinkers.

To check out the debate, click here.

About the artist

Sandra Gamarra is the creator of the fictional Lima Museum of Contemporary Art (2002), which is an imaginary collection of paintings with accompanying merchandise based on her hand-painted reproductions of works by her contemporaries. Gamarra’s method of appropriation raises questions about issues of authenticity and the status of replicas. Indeed, a significant part of Gamarra’s work focuses on the mechanisms of the art world, including the art market, exhibitions and creative processes, to explore its reality and workings. Another aspect that has fascinated the artist is the parallel between artistic and mystical experiences.