Marcia de Moraes. Episódio 3, 2021. 150 x 300 cm


Next Saturday (08/28), the exhibition “A Terceira”, by Marcia de Moraes opens for visitors at Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, in São Paulo . The show brings together 23 works by the artist, who continues to explore drawing and its possibilities through collage and three-dimensionality. Occupying the basement of the CCBB-SP and also the agency’s old vault, the exhibition features a critical text by psychoanalyst and art critic Bianca Coutinho Dias.

The exhibition’s title is a reference to a lecture given by Jacques Lacan at the VII Congress of the Freudian School in Paris, on November 1, 1974. In the conference, which was also named “The Third”, Jacques Lacan explains a central point for psychoanalysis: the unique way each one writes a body. “In my interpretation, he talked about what doesn’t fit inside people. He’s probably talking about emotional drives, but in my case, I transpose this to drawing, when I say that what I draw is what doesn’t fit inside of me”, comments the artist.

“Marcia de Moraes reveals that there are ways to unfold the body, to fictionalize what affects it. Taking a look at the artist’s production, we see that a lexicon is invented, and the drawing, which begins without a previous project, finds its way through surprise and amazement. The questions that her drawings and collages provoque are found in the entrails and viscera, inside and outside, in the surface and in the thickness of things. How much does the body bear? How is a body written? ” – Bianca Coutinho Dias on the work of Marcia de Moraes.

A Terceira, by Marcia de Moraes

From August 28th to October 4th, 2021. Everyday, 9am to 6pm, except Tuesday.  

Book your ticket on the website Eventim.