The exhibition Ecologías Radicales focuses on the exploitation of natural resources and extractivism in threatened territories issues. Curated by Benedetta Casini and Taina Azeredo, the show runs until December 5 at Museo Marco, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As part of the BienalSur program, the exhibition features works by eight artists, including Frederico Filippi, who participates with the work Direito de Resposta [Right of Reply].
Direito de resposta is part of a trilogy of works that deals with infiltrations at specific places that are related to the official version on the discovery of America history. “I have chosen to carry out interventions in the main documental source of this event in Europe, it means Madrid, such as squares, monuments, commemorative plaques, museums, etc.”, says the artist.
Filippi has subtracted part of a bronze plaque that was attached to the ground in the monumental complex of Jardines del Descobrimiento [Discovery Gardens] and, after melting it, he transformed it into another plaque with the words: Al final del océano estava el abismo [At the end of the ocean was the abyss], which was reinserted into the site.
“Using the same metal as base, this new plaque is infiltrated in the official discourse circuit to discuss its historical value as a communication source, also representing the medieval fear of navigators when facing the abyss of the un- known Atlantic Ocean”, complements Filippi.
Until March 2015, the plaque had not yet been perceived and withdrawn by the management.
Exposição Ecologías Radicales
October 8 to December 5, 2021
Wednesday to Sunday, from 11 am to 7 pm. Free access
Museo MARCO | Almirante Brown 1031, La Boca, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina