Sensação e Crise Flávia Metzler

22/03/2010 - 09/05/2010

In her first solo show at Galeria Leme, Flávia Metzler presents her most recent works: nine small format paintings on different surfaces such as linen, canvas and wood.

After a series of works exploring the idea of parody, where narratives are created by joining fragments of emblematic art historic works, the artist started to create less referential and populated fictions. In these works, the union between the fragments still persists but does not reveal important. Her focus shifts from citations to a hallucinated reality of scenes with peculiar architecture and lighting.

Issues inherent to painting such as color and light now take a larger space in her work and the palette of formerly vibrant colors becomes more obscure.

Sensação e crise (Sensation and crisis) is a show built of narrative paintings in which figures are in borderline situation.

Flávia Metzler was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1974 where she lives and works. In 2004 she entered at the UFRJ painting course where she initiated her production by the end of the following year. In 2006 she started taking part on national group shows and in 2007 was chosen by the critic Rebecca Wilson as highlight artists of Your Gallery – Saatchi Gallery’s virtual version (London, UK). In 2009 Metzler had her first solo show at the Exhibitions Annual Program of Centro Cultural Sao Paulo and later at the Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Recife, Brasil at the Projeto Trajetórias.
