Paulo Almeida’s work is related to representation. The São Paulo-based artist is fond of exploring situations such as the relationship between the works of art and the environment that surrounds them, subverting traditional practices. His paintings are often used not only to question the nature of painting itself, but to question the nature of art in general.
Thus, the artist doesn’t paint in search of a perfect image or to illustrate an idea – something that, at a certain point, can be considered finished -, but to develop a project. Paulo Almeida produces his canvases according to specific space and time.
The term “individual simultânea” (simultaneous solo exhibition), entitles the show and artist has taken a conscious decision of using it in the singular. It makes reference to exhibitions, in which two artists held their solo shows in the same space, at the same time.
The exhibitions that Paulo Almeida will have at the project room together with David Batchelor’s show at Galeria Leme, though, consist on the contrary: the same show will be held in two different spaces, at the same time.
Paulo Almeida has already prepared two large scale and various smaller canvases, in which Galeria Leme’s empty space is illustrated from different angles. As soon as Batchelor’s show is ready, Paulo Almeida will add to these pieces the luminous sculptures of the British artist, reproducing his show at galeria leme’s project room.
With this project, Paulo Almeida intends to look at representation through different points of view, explore concepts of space and question the way exhibitions are held, as well as the public’s expectations.
About the artist:
Paulo Almeida was born in São Paulo in 1977. He lives and works in São Paulo. His work has been featured in numerous exhibitions, including “Coletiva: /17.11.2004-13.01.2007/, Galeria Leme, São Paulo (2007), IX Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador (2007), “La Espiral de Moebius y Los Limites de La Pintura” CCPE/AECI, Rosário, Argentina (2007). He has also developed many projects, such as: “Das Curadorias:/ 1987-2008/ (2008), Itaú Cultural, São Paulo (2008), produced during na artistic residence program in Buenos Aires, Argentina.